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 Commentary Optional is a companion blog to Sleeping at Noon.

After its creation, Commentary Optional languished, waiting for the point at which commentary to the online version of the journals I began keeping in 1985 might be necessary: in writing out a thought in private reverie, few can take the time to document the ‘other track’ that runs along, quietly or not, disagreeing with a thought expressed.

I thought that an alternate blog that could give the view of a older witness might be of value. Particularly in venting, a writer often dashes off things that, in a better moment, she might not agree with at all. 

Sleeping at Noon did not make it to two weeks through the life lived when I was a very young mother, so Commentary Optional did not prove useful. It sat, then, as its companion sat, until one day in 2016 when I needed a place where I could post items that would be used in an online portfolio of my work…

Thinking the blog was safely in the nether lands of the Internet, where it would never be seen, I borrowed Commentary Optional. Imagine my surprise when I found interest in the material I posted: readers, ‘likes,’ and even followers.

It is to these that the blog must be dedicated, as it becomes a point of honor to give back to those who have invested  in what is published here.

A thank you to all who showed early interest, then, and the new journey begins…

[18 May 2016]

Contact info: isofreer@gmail.com