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And More Play April 27, 2016

Posted by Isobel Freer in Writing.
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Isobel Logo City Oct 2012 94x82 b[Editor’s note. When I was still a member of 10 Days Before (which is where my Café Blue originated), the leaders posted a series of questions for each of us to answer and post at the website as our profiles (10 Days Before is a successful and popular Meet-Up group in Atlanta for writers).

When I left the group, I copied my profile notes, and thought they might serve to further introduce me here, too, and add a bit of fun for a mid-week post.

I have edited for later life changes/progresses/regressions…]


City girl since ’79. Writing since third grade. If I were a cat, I’d be in my sixth life. Simply because of endings. And I’d have long silver hair with tips of black shivered through like a dark mist—and gold eyes. But I am not a cat. I’m ajar.

We have all types of writers in our group! What kind of writing do you do? (Poems, Fiction, Non-fiction, Articles, Blogs, etc.)

Literary trajectory: poetry, fiction (novels & shorts), essay, blogs, memoir, private journal, & voluminous correspondence.

Some days it’s tough to stick with it… what motivates you to keep writing?

Fiction, poetry, lined paper, a pen, Beautiful Language, the click-clack of cadenced syllable, fire-words, sounds in a city night, image, shattered promise, truth, small Facebook 2012irreverences, danced frenzies, sight, misunderstandings, curiosity, interior brick walls, glumness, half-closed eyes, a blazer made of grey wool, faith in God, two oceans, a mountain, winged horses, a clown in a brown suit, monks chanting the hours, the literary Canon, despair, a closet in a small room, whispers, seven days in October, requiems, questions, the darkness outside my window, a fragrance made of white flowers, a woman with white-blue eyes & auburn hair, after, one footbridge across a bayou, hope, a house that has a name, long vowels, joy, charm, moments stripped of all but essence, sweetness, colour, empty winter chapels at seven a.m., blue & white porcelain, an antique clock, jasmine tea, a blue wine glass etched with small flowers, the us of me+you, predawn coffee, indoor gardens, two secrets not told, a small teddy bear, January, & one black dress.

Have you ever been published before, or are you just getting started in the writing world?

Work published in a high school journal (1970), a college journal (1975) and an anthology (1976)…already veering toward the Dark Years. Began writing again, summer, 1999 and sending work out again, May, 2000. Currently have work submitted and am preparing several caches of poetry for projected January 2012 2016 submissions. First blog, 2007 with first post Saturday, October 27, 2007. Subsequently created seven eight blogs. One completed novel still in edit mode, four chapbooks still in edit mode, one completed ‘short’ short story that has been/will soon be again in circulation, plus several incomplete novels, a few sometimes-circulated essay/memoirs and other works-in-progress. Began keeping a journal the third time in 1985 and have continued to present. I write under three four different names for better handling of the sometimes surprising & always disparate clamour of voices within me…

To help us keep our group informative and useful, please tell us what do you hope to gain from joining our group?

Escaping the empty room, where words become projectiles that ricochet back and impale.

©2011 Valerie Isobel Freer. Personal papers. Images ©2007 Isobel Freer. Personal logo(s).